MPB Associates


What We Do

We are specialist consultants offering creative business solutions to the corporate and public sector and individuals. As ED&I specialists we work with you to assist with cultural change. We also advise leaders on strategies and draft policies & procedures. And to complete or help with transitions, we offer governance and senior management training and coaching. There is more information on our services below.

When connected with us you are not growing alone.

We work with businesses at every stage of growth.



Equality Diversity & Inclusion [ED&I]

Workplace diversity is more important today than ever before. Employees and consumers alike are looking to leadership to make a difference. And there is a growing number of legal requirements to support greater diversity in the workplace. Few consultants in the field,  if any, have the cultural competence and trauma-informed background of MPB Associates. We are authentic in action and place employee well-being at the centre of our work.

We work with you to make your organisation an open environment welcoming to all and a place where people want to go to work.

Our services include exemplary Anti-Racist Allies workshops and Banter or Bullying training, tackling workplace bullying and harassment. We will also help you structure your business for an open, more inclusive culture. And to find new and exciting ways for employees to work. We offer practical, workable solutions to help staff retention and recruitment. And our lead consultants lead from lived experience.

Don’t wait book a date with us now.

Interim Management

We are a team of former legal professionals, executives and senior managers from the private and public sectors. We have served as company officers for our clients undergoing periods of change. Who better to hold your business safely until your permanent appointment.

Contact us now!

Learning & Development

Training and Workshop Services

Performed in a dynamic interactive style, MPB provides training across vital and universal topics to businesses and individuals.

We also devise bespoke specialist courses. Our learning and development workshops are suitable for groups and individuals.

Our Personal Development courses include emotional intelligence, leadership skills, effective communication, assertiveness training, dealing with aggression and stress management.

Book a free consultation right now!

Coaching & Personal Development

When we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.”- Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Coaching is the modern method for self-improvement and development. And learning new skills to find personal success, achieve aims and manage unique challenges and life changes. Coaching is effective for all situations, be it in your personal or business life. Coaching draws out rather than puts in. It develops rather than imposes, drawing out your abilities in a non-judgemental manner.

Don’t hesitate, book a date now


Board members don’t always have the time to keep abreast of changes, and we live in a rapidly changing world. We are happy  to provide your Board with cultural and legal changes in your industry. Training sessions are tailored to your needs and are available for group or individual sessions.

Don’t wait contact us now!

Event Management

We love a party, do you? Our modern, fun, memorable events allow people to laugh, learn, and lean in.

We have organised functions that have increased stakeholder participation and annual work events where staff feel particularly valued and envigorated.

Joosh up your corporate affair with us, inquire now!

Why Choose Us

We are a team of former legal professionals, executives and senior officers from the private and public sectors with over 15 years of change experience and helping clients and their businesses grow.

We have tremendous expertise if you are looking for the best help with cultural change, coaching, ED&I, learning and development, governance or event management.

And we are :-


Creative Problem Solvers.


Highly Motivated.


Honest & Transparent.


Thought Leaders.


Life Long Learners.


Caring for your business just like our own.


To create innovative solutions for businesses and individuals facing change.


To promote and support ED& I,  assist positive cultural change and growth in all organisations, industries, and minds.


Equity & Partnership

Radical openness

Integrity & Trust

Creativity & Growth

Used by Leading Companies

Have A Problem?

Rest Assured, We Got You and Your Business Covered

We can help you with your business and personal changes. We know it can be difficult, and our expert pair of hands is the solution to change and growth. Let us help you bring those transition ideas to life, stop the rot, and make the change. Let’s discover what we can build and raise together.

Get Started Today

We can help you with your business and personal changes. We know it can be difficult, and our expert pair of hands is the solution to change and growth. Let us help you bring those transition ideas to life, stop the rot, and make the change. Let’s discover what we can build and raise together.

Book a Free 30min Consultation